Behavioural branding of frugal innovations contextual to consumption dynamics: a study of market competitiveness in micro enterprises

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This study analyses the attributes of market competition through in-depth analysis of buying behaviour of consumers in the consumption of frugal innovation products/services offered by micro enterprises (MEs) in emerging markets. Customer-acquisition dynamics implemented by MEs in developing behavioural branding has also been discussed in this study. Attributes such as consumer behaviour, co-creation, and behavioural branding traits and their interrelationship with the consumption of frugal innovative products has been analysed in this study. Data was collected from 322 purposively selected respondents, the consumers of innovative products and services developed by micro enterprises, within Mexico. A systematic process of application of focus group has been implemented in the study. In view of the findings discussed in the study, it can be stated that frugal innovations demonstrate cost-effective entrepreneurial econoscape. The study reveals that crowdsourcing contributes significantly to idea generation for innovative products to cater to the consumer needs and deliver solutions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-257
Number of pages21
JournalInternational Journal of Business Excellence
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • behavioural branding
  • consumption dynamics
  • frugal innovation
  • market competitiveness
  • micro enterprises


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