Blackwell-Nash Equilibria in Zero-Sum Stochastic Differential Games

Beatris Adriana Escobedo-Trujillo, Héctor Jasso-Fuentes, José Daniel López-Barrientos

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Advanced-type equilibria for a general class of zero-sum stochastic differential games have been studied in part by Escobedo-Trujillo et al. (J Optim Theory Appl 153:662–687, 2012), in which a comprehensive study of the so-named bias and overtaking equilibria was provided. On the other hand, a complete analysis of advanced optimality criteria in the context of optimal control theory such as bias, overtaking, sensitive discount, and Blackwell optimality was developed independently by Jasso-Fuentes and Hernández-Lerma (Appl Math Optim 57:349–369, 2008; J Appl Probab 46:372–391, 2009; Stoch Anal Appl 27:363–385, 2009). In this work we try to fill out the gap between the aforementioned references. Namely, the aim is to analyze Blackwell-Nash equilibria for a general class of zero-sum stochastic differential games. Our approach is based on the use of dynamic programming, the Laurent series and the study of sensitive discount optimality.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProgress in Probability
Number of pages25
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2018

Publication series

NameProgress in Probability
ISSN (Print)1050-6977
ISSN (Electronic)2297-0428


  • Average equilibrium
  • Bias equilibrium
  • Blackwell-Nash equilibrium
  • Laurent series
  • Zero-sum stochastic differential games


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